You will save a kid one day

2 min readMay 30, 2021

It’s kinda surreal, the weight two words repeated enough times can hold.

Happy birthday… Happy birthday… Happy birthday….
Thank you… Thank you… Thank you…

Now to a pessimist, this repetition or the lack thereof may sound something like this “Nobody really cares about you or knows you enough to care about you. So this Happy birthday is null, void, nada.”

But the optimist resting over my other shoulder blade keeps thinking that this wish is just all of us trying to be better. I think as we grow, deep down many of us do realize that you won’t ever truly know all the people you want to. You won’t ever truly care for more than X people in your life. Because that’s just how life is. It’s limited. It’s finite.

So you pick & choose. Even your people.
I pick & choose. Even my people.

But that realization still doesn’t stop us from doing just a bit better, being just a bit nicer, making just a bit more difference, just enough to stop a kid from committing suicide. And that’s totally fine. It’s not fake. It’s not bad. It’s just fine. So,
You might know me. You might not.
You might want to know me. You might not.

But you know what, all of that is fine.

Happy Birthday, Kid!
Happy Birthday, Kid!

I thank you for wishing good for people (God knows we need it right now) & being better because you know what, that is why you will save a kid one day.

