User Feedback Project: Comunev

3 min readSep 11, 2020
Photo by Adam Jang on Unsplash

If you run your own company, you try your best to please your customers, fulfil their needs, and to keep them loyal to your brand. But how can you be sure that your efforts are going in the right direction? If you do not try to find out what your users actually think about your company, you will never be able to give them the best that you desire. Their opinions about the experience they have with your company are important information that you can use to improve your business to fit their needs completely.

One of the most important things while running a company is to get regular feedback from the users. User feedback is information collected from users about their reactions to a product, service, or website experience. Feedback and insight from customers are used by the members of the company to improve the user experience. For us at Comunev, getting close to our users is what drives everything we do.

That is why we have a user feedback project for our Entrepreneurs in Residence. In this project, we contact our users and take a survey by asking them a list of survey questions. We call 5 users a day, this number is decided to not burden the EIR with too many calls a day. We even ask for references from our users and contact them too. After contacting the references, we mark the survey as complete.

Apart from this survey, we also create feedback forms before all our events. After getting responses once the event is done, we contact the event attendees. We try to ask them the reason behind their responses, why did they like what they liked and why they didn’t like certain things? It helps us in making improvements for future events. We do this a lot more in this project and we are constantly experimenting to know our customers better.

Collecting customer feedback shows that we value their opinions. By asking your clients for feedback you communicate that their opinion is important to you. You involve them in shaping your business so they feel more attached to your company. Listening to their voice helps you create stronger relations with them. Collecting customer data is the single most important key to your marketing strategy. Without data, you’re marketing blindly, hoping to reach your target audience or persona. Social media, email sign-ups, site usage, purchases, and feedback forms, all offer valuable insight into who you’re marketing to.

When we asked a member of the user feedback project about her experience so far and why did she decide to do this project, this is what she had to say-

“ I decided to do this project because it looked interesting to me. I thought that getting user feedback and working in this project will enhance my knowledge about marketing strategies. And I was true in a way, now I know a lot more about marketing strategies then I did earlier. I have been working on this project since the past two and a half months and the experience has been great.”

Gouri Khanna

Don’t forget that user feedback is all around. Learn how to get it using different techniques and resources. Run and create different forms for your surveys and search for reviews your user’s post on the Internet. Do not underestimate any feedback about what you provide and try to always be responsible and responsive. Your users will value you if you value their opinion. It is a key for developing strong relations with your users because the effort is always mutual. User feedback is priceless for a company, so never stop getting it!

If you wanna develop your communication skills and enhance your knowledge about marketing strategies, you can work on this project. So just apply for our EIR program and learn to understand users better.

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