3 terrible ways of negotiation
Sarcastic Patriarchy
Oh, we’ve only been alive 37 years more than you have. What would we know? How would we know what’s right and wrong?
In fact, your question is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Because, yes. How would you know? It’s highly unlikely that the factors essential for a judgement in the current scenario were exactly the same in one or more of the iterations of it you think you’ve gone through. When you say you have 37 years extra experience, it is at best, a handful of times extra experience.
So, either you’re highly exaggerating the number of times you’ve been through the situation to know what’s right. Or, and this is far more probable, you don’t know what you’re talking about because either:
A. You think you know what the matter is but you don’t
B. The matter has metamorphosized so much since when you faced it that the rules of the game have completely changed.
Anecdotal Narcissism
I’m gonna start narrating an anecdote that will feel like my genuine attempt at camaraderie. It’s going somewhere. You seem to be enjoying. But I’m soon going to pull the rug out from under you when the final sentence reveals my hidden agenda which is to make you see how things will turn out for you if you don’t do exactly as I say.
Pathetic sympathy
Oh! I sympathize with you. I’m on your side. And instead of conveying that through genuinely listening to and addressing your concerns, let me just rattle my concern for your well-being (read: my money), on addressing how worried your parents might be (read: how worried I am of our leverage misbalance here).